eve cloud based phone system
team of people collaborating at work

New Missed Call Reporting for eve’s cloud phone system

eve’s customers can now access a new Missed Call Reporting Dashboard.

You can access this new feature by clicking on the following:

‘Reporting’ – ‘Call Reporting’ – ‘Missed Calls Report’.

Missed Call Reporting


Total Missed Calls

Show by hour or by day, filter on Call Abandoned or Voicemail. This report shows the total calls coming into the organisation that were abandoned or went to voicemail.

Answered Performance

Show the percentage of calls into the company that were answered.

Missed Calls User Rating

Show a leaderboard of users by the numbers of calls missed.

Missed Calls by Group

Show quantity and filter on the reason why the call was missed. Useful for monitoring the overall performance of call queues.

Missed Calls by User

Show by quantity and filter on individuals and groups of users.

Cradle to Grave

All report widgets are supported by Cradle to Grave. Click on any data point in the graph to display those calls. Show who made the call and first point of contact. Click on the row to drill down and show the point the call went through and where it eventually was answered, and on what device. The data also shows call quality statistics for each leg of the call including mos, jitter, packet loss and latency.

Would your business benefit from call reporting?

If you’re an existing eve customer, speak with your service provider to find out more.

If you’re interested in using eve’s cloud phone system or reselling eve Voice to your customers, simply share your details and we’ll put you in touch with the best person.